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主题:Activities Towards Information and Communication Technology(ICT)Professionalism

主讲人:Dr.Roman Povalej 德国卡尔斯鲁厄大学AIFB研究所    


地点: 中教1003

Roman Povalej Research Assistant. Mainly engaging in the research of businessinformation and communication systems, knowledge based process management andskills frameworks. Email: povalej@aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de Ph: +49 (721) 608 4063 - Studied physics at the university of heidelberg- wrote his diploma thesis at the university of mannheim, at the institutetechnical informatics- worked 4 years as software developer and project manager in the industry fortheenterprise ISB AG in Mainz- since 2003 research assistant at the resarch group of Prof. Dr. Dr.h.c.Wolffried Stucky, institute aifb, university of Karlsruhe (TH) -> worked in sevaral cooperation project with the industry and in severalEuropeanand national projects -> Mainly engaging in the research of business information and communicationsystems, knowledge based process management and skills frameworks.