供稿:应用经济系 摄影:应用经济系
2015年6月10日,哈佛大学经济系博士候选人黄炜应邀访问学院并做了题为“China's "Great Leap Forward" in Science and Engineering”的学术报告。报告由应用经济系张凌翔副教授主持,应用经济系师生及中国社科院的研究人员参加了报告。
Wei Huang is a PhD Candidate in Economics at Harvard University. He is also an Inequality & Social Policy Doctoral Fellow at Harvard Kennedy School, Wertheim Fellow in Labor and Worklife Program at Harvard Law School, NBER Pre-doctoral fellow at Health Economics and Aging, IZA research Fellow, IQSS student affiliate and CCHER Visiting Fellow. His interested fields include Labor Economics, Health Economics and Applied Econometrics. His previous papers, including coauthored ones, have been published on Nature, American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, Journal of Labor Economics, Social Science & Medicine, Economic Inquiry. He also provides referee service to Quarterly Journal of Economics, Journal of Political Economy, Journal of Public Economics, Journal of Urban Economics, Journal of Health Economics,Economics and Human Biology, Health Economics and Research Policy.