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美国普渡大学Qi Annabelle Feng教授应邀至管理与经济学院进行学术交流

供稿:技术经济与战略管理系    摄影:技术经济与战略管理系
    2015年6月11日上午,美国普渡大学Qi Annabelle Feng教授应邀来12BET管理与经济学院,在主楼317作了题为“Supply and Demand Functions in Inventory Models”的学术报告。
    冯琦教授围绕题为“Supply and Demand Functions in Inventory Models”的文章从供给与需求的决策变量、供给与需求函数、构建线性函数分析模型与方法、经典库存问题等角度,结合具体实例,系统讲述了在库存模型中如何分析函数的凹凸性。报告结束后,与会员工就目前学术研究中遇到的模型构建等问题和冯老师开展了讨论交流,让大家对演讲的主题有了更深的认识。随后讲座在热烈的掌声中结束,冯老师严谨的学术态度和精深的学术造诣,给同学们带来了极大的收获。

    Qi Annabelle Feng is the John and Donna Krenicki Chair in Operations Management at Krannert School of Management, Purdue University. She was previously a faculty member at McCombs School of Business, The University of Texas at Austin. She received her Ph.D. in Operations Management from UT Dallas in 2006. Her main research interest lies in studying firms’ sourcing decisions in the broad context of supply chain management. Her main research interest lies in studying firms’ sourcing decisions in the broad context of supply chain management. Her work focuses on individual firm’s procurement planning in uncertain environment and multiple firms’ interactions in sourcing relationships. She also works in the areas of product development and proliferation management, resource planning, economic growth models, and information system management. She is currently a Department Editor for Production and Operations Management. She received the first prize in the INFORMS Junior Faculty Paper Competition in 2009, Franz Edelman Award in 2009 and the Wickham Skinner Early-Career Research Accomplishment Award in 2012.