供稿:管理工程系 摄影:管理工程系
2015年6月11日,美国University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign副教授Xin Chen博士应邀访问学院并做了题为“Theory and practice of pricing and revenue management” 的主题报告,报告由王科副教授主持,管理工程系、能源与环境政策研究中心的师生参加了报告。Xin Chen博士结合相关案例,介绍收益管理和动态定价领域的主要科学问题和研究前沿,以及Xin Chen博士近年来在该领域的主要研究成果。报告后Xin Chen博士还与参会师生开展交流讨论。
Dr. Xin Chen is an associate professor and the Jerry S. Dobrovolny Faculty Scholar at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He obtained his PhD from MIT in 2003. His research interest lies in optimization and supply chain management. He received the Informs revenue management and pricing section prize in 2009. He is the coauthor of the book “The Logic of Logistics: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications for Logistics and Supply Chain Management”. He has published several high quality articles in Operations Research Letters, Mathematics of Operations Research, Production and Operations Management, Naval Research Logistics, Mathematical Programming, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, and Operations Research.