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英国拉夫堡大学商学院Professor Xiaohui Liu应邀到管理与经济学院作学术报告

供稿:赵轩维                     摄影:王素娟
    2015年5月8日下午2:00在主楼216会议室,应夏恩君教授邀请,英国拉夫堡大学(Loughborough University)商学院Professor Xiaohui Liu为公司技术经济及管理系师生作了题为“Does learning at home and from abroad boost the foreign subsidiary performance of emerging economy multinational enterprises”的学术报告。

    Professor Liu首先对研究背景、问题假设和数据采集工作进行了详细介绍,然后运用计量统计方法对新兴经济体国家的国外子公司的绩效进行分析,进而得出创新性的研究结论:外国公司国内学习和国外学习是影响国外子公司业绩的重要因素。在整个报告的过程中,Professor Liu还结合自己多年丰富的教学和研究经验就如何在国外高质量期刊杂志上发表学术论文给予大家悉心指导。

    Professor Xiaohui Liu now works at Loughborough University, who is the Head of International Business and Strategy Group. She received her PhD in International Economics from the University of Birmingham. Her current research focuses on Human mobility (returnee entrepreneurs), international knowledge spillovers and innovation in emerging economies.
    Professor Liu has published widely, including the Journal of International Business Studies, Research Policy, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Journal of World Business, International Business Review and International Review of Applied Economics and Applied Economics etc. Her research has been funded by the British Academy and the Leverhulme Trust, and has been recognized with the best competitive paper awards from the Academy of International Business (UK) and International Association for Chinese Management.
    She currently serves on the editorial board of the Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies and Organisations and Markets in Emerging Economies. She is also a member of the Board of Directors of the Chinese Economic Association (Europe/UK), and is the Asia-Pacific Regional Editor of the International Journal of Emerging Markets as well.