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  应管理与经济学院的邀请,香港城市大学方钰麟教授来公司进行交流,并于2018年1月17日上午,在主楼133会议室做了题为《System Dynamics Modeling for Information Systems Research - Theory Development and Practical Application》的学术报告。报告会由公司张毅祥副教授主持,学院众多师生参加了报告会。

  方钰麟教授首先介绍了自己的研究领域和相关成果,以及当初进行这篇论文研究的背景。然后从什么是理论贡献以及如何进行理论扩展入手,指出信息系统领域有很多研究都开发了用来解释和预测的variance model,而对系统模型则考虑较少,特别是很大程度上忽略了互为因果的、有时滞的因果机制。而系统动力学提供了一个基于系统思考的方法论,可以考虑这些因果机制,从而对现有基于variance model的理论进行扩展。接下来,以企业电子商务投资和企业绩效之间的关系为例,展示了如何利用系统动力学对现有理论进行扩展,并解释现有研究之中不一致的研究发现。 与会人员与方钰麟教授就相关问题进行了充分的讨论和交流,在报告结束后大家进行了合影留念。

  方钰麟教授:Yulin Fang is a full professor at Department of Information Systems, City University of Hong Kong. He earned his PhD at Richard Ivey School of Business, The University of Western Ontario in Canada. His current research interests include strategic and managerial aspect of information systems and analytics. He is currently serving as a Senior Editor for Information Systems Research and Information Systems Journal, and a co-editor-in-chief for Information Technology & People. He is also on the Editorial Board of Journal of Strategic Information Systems. He was an Associate Editor for several leading journals, including MIS Quarterly (2013-2016), Information Systems Research (2013-2016), and Information Systems Journal (2012-2015). He was awarded the Associate Editor of the Year at Information Systems Research in 2015. Professor Fang has published 50 research articles in renowned management and information systems journals, including MIS Quarterly (MISQ), Information Systems Research (ISR), Journal of Management Information Systems (JMIS), Journal of the Association for Information Systems (JAIS), Journal of Operations Management (JOM), Strategic Management Journal (SMJ), Journal of Management Studies (JMS), Organizational Research Methods (ORM), among others. Many of them are included in UT Dallas and Financial Time journal lists. His research on open source software communities won the 2009 Senior Scholars Best IS Publication Award by the Association for Information Systems (AIS), one out of the five in that year. His work on e-commerce published at MIS Quarterly was one of the Citation of Excellent Winners of Emerald Citations of Excellence in 2017.