题目:Intermediary Propositions for Green Growth with Sustainable Governance
主讲人:崔龍錄(Choi YongRok)教授 (韩国仁荷大學全球治理学院)
崔龍錄(Choi YongRok),韩国仁荷大學全球治理(Global Governance)学院经理,仁荷大學首席敎授(经济学),韩国总统经济顾问; 韩国中小企业联合会委员长; 韩国电子商务学会会长; 亞洲商業論壇主席,担任Journal of International Finance and Economics 主編, Int. J. Innovation & sustainable Development 執行主編, Sustainability领域主编, Journal of Operations Managemen、Computational Economics, Ecological Indicators、 Technological forecast and social change, Energy Policy等期刊客座主编,现研究方向是区域可持续发展与Green IT, 在American Economic Review; Journal of Economic Literature; Energy Economics; Energy Policy; Technological forecast and social change; Annuals of Operations Research, Social Science Journal; Applied Energy; Human and Ecological Risk Assessment; Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment; International Journal of Environment and Pollution等多数国际权威期刊发表论文100余篇, 担任韩国自然科学基金重大项目2项,一般项目十几项。
This presentation gives an overview of the conceptual characteristics of sustainable development by searching the governance-oriented intermediaries. It shows how the new paradigm of green growth evolved through international consensus and how this paradigm of the public-private partnership (PPP) could work with the new propositions of intermediation. The historical context in the latter half of the 20th century is outlined, in which a paradigm shift toward PPP was caused by green growth policies. It emphasizes the governance, resulting in the propositions of the intermediary role of PPP by the SWOT matrix: facilitator, collaborator, network manager and service provider.