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7-5美国东卡罗来纳大学梁会刚教授: Healthcare Data Analytics: Opportunities and Challenges for Information Systems Researchers




  梁会刚,美国东卡罗来纳大学(East Carolina University)商学院管理信息系统系终身教授,医疗管理系统研究中心主任,2012年受聘为商学院唯一的杰出教授(Endowed Chair)。目前担任国际期刊UTD24期刊Information Systems Research副主编,FT50期刊JAIS高级主编,Information & Management的副主编(Associate Editor)。在MIS Quarterly、Information System Research、Journal of Management Information System、Journal of AIS, Decision Support Systems等国际顶尖信息系统学术期刊发表论文30余篇。其著作被广泛引用,据Google Scholar统计,引用次数已超过8000余次,单篇文章最高引用达到2459次。


  Big data holds great promises in the healthcare arena. While many researchers are interested in exploring this unfamiliar territory, they are not sure where to start. This presentation offers an overview about what data sources available and how they can be analyzed by employing the advanced machine learning algorithms to achieve positive outcomes. In addition, the major challenges facing healthcare data analytics are identified and discussed in detail. Recommendations are provided to information systems researchers regarding how they can ride the wave of healthcare analytics to make unique and novel contributions to theory and practice.
