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6-30梁会刚教授学术讲座:What Users Do Besides Problem-Focused Coping In the IT Security Context: An Emotion-Focused Coping Perspective



  报告人简介: 梁会刚,美国东卡罗来纳大学(East Carolina University)商学院管理信息系统系终身教授,医疗管理系统研究中心主任,2012年受聘为商学院唯一的杰出教授(Endowed Chair)。目前担任国际期刊Information & Management的副主编(Associate Editor)以及国际信息系统协会会刊Journal of AIS编委(Editorial Board Member),同时担任多个国际会议(如PACIS、ICIS等)的Track Chair或副编辑10余次。在MIS Quarterly、Information System Research、Journal of Management Information System、Journal of AIS, Decision Support Systems等国际顶尖信息系统学术期刊发表论文近30余篇,包括四篇MIS Quarterly、两篇ISR、一篇JMIS以及两篇JAIS,另有高水平国际会议论文20余篇。其著作被广泛引用,据Google Scholar统计,引用次数已超过1800次,单篇文章最高引用达到600次。曾获奖励包括Emerald Management Review Citations of Excellence Top 50 Papers;论文多次被录入AOM最佳论文集。根据国际信息系统协会(AIS)公布的排名,2007-2011年在信息系统领域顶尖期刊发表论文数量,在全球学者中名列第16位。作为国际知名的信息系统研究专家,梁会刚教授迄今已在美国主持或参与多项科研项目,经费总额约240万美元。

  报告摘要: This paper investigates how individuals cope with IT security threats by taking into account both problem-focused and emotion-focused coping. While problem-focused coping (PFC) has been extensively studied in the IT security literature, little is known about emotion-focused coping (EFC). We propose that individuals employ both PFC and EFC to volitionally cope with IT security threats, and conceptually classify EFC into two categories: inward and outward. Our research model is tested by two studies: an experiment with 140 individuals and a survey of 934 respondents. Our results indicate that both inward EFC and outward EFC are stimulated by perceived threat, but that only inward EFC is reduced by perceived avoidability. Interestingly, inward EFC and outward EFC are found to have opposite effects on PFC. While inward EFC impedes PFC, outward EFC facilitates PFC. By integrating both EFC and PFC in a single model, we provide a more complete understanding of individual behavior under IT security threats. Moreover, by theorizing two categories of EFC and showing their opposing effects on users’ security behaviors, we further examine the paradoxical relationship between EFC and PFC, thus making an important contribution to IT security research and practice.


