题目: Career Development: Cross-Cultural Management
时间:2017年9月18日 (周一)19:20-21:30
2015.09 - 北京外国语大学国际商学院 教师 2009.9-2015.7:清华大学经济公司领导力与组织管理系 管理学博士 2012.9-2013.9:美国哥伦比亚大学商学院 联合培养博士生 2007.9-2009.7:清华大学法学院法学专业 法学学士(双学位) 2005.9-2009.7:清华大学外语系英语专业 文学学士 教授课程:商务沟通 研究方向:组织行为学,人力资源管理,跨文化管理
With globalization, it is unavoidable that different cultures will meet, conflict, and blend together.Cross-cultural management occurs when managing work teams with diverse cultural backgrounds. It requires specific skills.More and more foreign students choose BIT, and they want to stay at Beijing after their graduation. If they want to work within Chinese context, it'd be better to have some cross-cultural training.They should be aware of cultural differences.I would like to share with you my experience in cross-cultural management! Key words: cultural differences, cultural competence, managing multiple cultures.