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5-16 西澳大学马春波副教授学术讲座:Residential Energy Transition in Rural China: the Role of Fuel Availability, Accessibility, Affordability and Applicability

题目:Residential Energy Transition in Rural China: the Role of Fuel Availability, Accessibility, Affordability and Applicability

主讲人:马春波 副教授 (西澳大利亚大学农业与环境学院)




    马春波,本科及博士毕业于南开大学和美国Rensselaer理工学院。先后就职于美国密歇根大学Alcoa Global Sustainability Research Fellow (2007-2009), 西澳大利亚大学农业与资源经济学院助理教授 (2009-2012), 澳大利亚科研理事会DECRA Fellow (2013-2015), 西澳大利亚大学农业与环境学院 (终身) 副教授 (2004-2017)。主要研究领域为环境,能源以及农业经济学。多项研究工作发表于领域内主流期刊包括Environmental and Resource Economics, Resource and Energy Economics, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 以及Energy Journal等。


    Solid fuels (coal and fuelwood) are still widely used by over 400 million people in rural China, which brings severe health, local as well as global environmental consequences. A sound understanding of the energy transition pattern of rural households will provide valuable insights for policy makers aiming to facilitate transition towards sustainable energy consumption. Using the large longitudinal household panel data drawn from the National Rural Fixed Point Survey (2004-2011) collected by the Ministry of Agriculture, this study investigates residential fuel choice in rural China. Using a carefully selected set of proxy variables, we found that fuel availability, accessibility, affordability and applicability play important roles in determining household choices of cooking fuels in rural China. Our results are also robust to alternative model specifications.


