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【明理讲堂2024年第16期】3-25University of New Haven Chenglu Wang教授:The New Marketing in the Era of Data Intelligence

报告题目:The New Marketing in the Era of Data Intelligence



报告人:Chenglu Wang教授


王承璐,市场营销学博士,美国纽黑文大学商学院营销学终身教授。福尔布莱特学者。主要研究方向为消费者行为及互动营销。他在Journal of Consumer Psychology, Journal of Business Ethics, 等专业杂志上发表学术文章百余篇 (SSCI 八十余篇)。连续三年(2021,2022,2023)被斯坦福大学列为全球2 % 高被引研究学者。目前担任互动营销专业期刊Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing (影响因子8.2, JCR 一区)主编。多次担任Journal of Business Research, European Journal of Marketing, International Marketing Review,Industrial Marketing Management等SSCI杂志的特刊执行主编。曾多次担任营销学国际学术会议联席主席和主题演讲人。主要著作有《人际心理学》(上海人民出版社1987年出版)。主编的著作有《Contemporary Marketing in China: Theories and Practices》(Nova,2011),《Brand Management in Emerging Markets: Theories and Practices》(IGI,2014),《Exploring the Rising Fandom in Contemporary Consumer Culture》(IGI, 2019, 被评为最畅销著作之一),《Handbook of Research on the Impact of Fandom in Society and Consumerism》 (IGI, 2019),以及《The Palgrave of Interactive Marketing: Theoretical Advancement and Managerial Application》(Spring-Nature,2023)。


In the rapidly evolving landscape of marketing, the advent of the data intelligence era has brought about profound transformations. This lecture delves into the core aspects of these changes, starting with the heightened emphasis on enhancing consumer experiences and fostering interactivity. With consumers increasingly demanding personalized interactions, the integration of data analytics has enabled marketers to tailor their strategies to individual preferences, thereby facilitating greater consumer participation and engagement. Moreover, the proliferation of cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence, virtual/augmented reality, robotic assistants, and machine learning has revolutionized marketing practices. These tools not only streamline processes but also enable businesses to deliver highly targeted and immersive experiences to their audience. As traditional marketing philosophies evolve to adapt to the demands of the digital age, there arises a pressing need for innovative approaches. The convergence of data intelligence and marketing principles heralds the dawn of a new era in marketing, one characterized by agility, responsiveness, and a deep understanding of consumer behavior.
