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【明理讲堂2021年第61期】11-29休斯顿大学洪一立教授: Group Size, Content Moderators, and User Engagement in Online Synchronized Content Platforms


腾讯会议号:211 160 268


洪一立现任美国休斯顿大学C. T. Bauer人工智能与数字社会讲席教师,商学院博士项目主管。洪教授2014年毕业于美国天普大学福克斯商学院管理科学系,获得管理信息系统博士学位。洪教授于2018年在亚利桑那州立大学凯瑞商学院破格晋升为副教授(终身教授)。在2020年加入休斯顿大学 C. T. Bauer商学院任正教授(终身教授)。

洪教授的研究领域包括互联网金融、人机交互、人工智能、共享经济、数字平台、数字经济、在线社交媒体、及互联网用户行为。洪教授目前担任国际商科知名学术刊物《生产和运营管理》(POM)的资深编辑,《信息系统研究杂志》(ISR)和《信息系统协会杂志》(JAIS)的副编辑。洪教授的研究成果在各大国际会议上获得最佳论文奖。洪教授的论文还获得了2014年的2项信息系统领域最佳博士论文奖。洪教授的研究在《Management Science》、《Information Systems Research》、《MIS Quarterly》、《Production and Operations Management》、《INFORMS Journal on Computing》等众多国际知名学术刊物上发表。洪教授指导的博士生和博士后现在就职于美国和亚洲各大高校,如威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校,杜兰大学,康涅的格大学,麻省大学,休斯顿大学,中国人民大学,北京邮电大学等。洪教授是多家科技创业企业和五百强的企业的学术和企业顾问,如阿里巴巴达摩院,迈金科技,Summer社交,美国的Lyft, 澳洲的Freelancer,日本的Fits.me, 美国华人创业的亚米网,和美国在线教育企业Picmonic公司等。


Online platforms for synchronized content, such as live streaming, have gained considerable popularity most recently. These platforms involve engaging a large number of users and facilitate their interactions in a real-time setting. One key difference between asynchronous platforms (e.g., Reddit, Wikipedia) and synchronous platforms (e.g., Twitch, Youtube Live) is the real-time interactivity. As group size increases, real-time interactivity scales rapidly, making the engagement interface erratic and fast-paced. While the existing literature finds that the group size of peers has a positive effect on user engagement on asynchronous platforms, how group size affects synchronous interactions, particularly with the presence of bot and human moderators, is unclear. In this work, we leverage exogenous increases in live streaming viewers (from the Raid function in Twitch), to empirically examine how group size affects viewers’ real-time engagement and how moderators affect this relationship. Collecting and analyzing entire chat histories of 8,396 playbacks on Twitch, our results suggest that a) the live streaming channel generally engages more viewers after group size increases; b) however, existing viewers (users are already in the live streaming channel before the Raid) tend to engage less after the increases in group size; c) there are more diverse topics covered in the chat room after group size increases; and d) live streaming channels adopting bot moderators can better sustain viewer engagement after group size increases while human moderator can better organize the chat content. The findings in this paper indicate a congestion effect of increasing group size viewer engagement in the synchronous communication setting and suggest the beneficial role of content  moderators, which extends the prior literature on user engagement in online platforms.
