11月5日,【明理讲堂2020年第25期】有幸邀请到美国哈佛大学商学院工商管理系朱峰教授为大家带来题为 ”Why Some Platforms Thrive and Others Don’t” 的学术报告,报告采用腾讯会议在线直播的形式。管理与经济学院部分领导、教师、硕博研究生等近400人参加了本次讲座,主持人为管理与经济学院技术及战略管理系李果教授。
在报告中,朱锋教授重点介绍了影响平台企业发展前景的因素机制及相关创新性理论。具体为,从平台网络效应、区域性聚类效应、多平台归属效应、去中介化风险以及网络连接效应等五方面对平台企业的竞争力进行了深度透彻地讲解。 报告结束后,朱锋教授和参会师生展开了热烈的讨论和交流,大家深受启发,报告反响热烈,受到了广大师生的一致好评!
Feng Zhu is the Piramal Associate Professor of Business Administration at Harvard Business School. In his research, Professor Zhu examines competitive strategy and innovation in high-technology industries, with an emphasis on the design of platform business models and its impact on platform performance. He has studied a wide range of platforms, such as video game consoles, social-networking sites, Craigslist, Wikipedia, smartphone operating systems, blogs, sharing economy platforms, newspapers, and ad-sponsored free products. Professor Zhu’s work has appeared in journals including the American Economic Review, Management Science, Organization Science, Strategic Management Journal, and Information Systems Research. It has been covered by such media as the Washington Post, the Financial Times, the New York Times, and the Wall Street Journal. His research has won several best paper awards. He received the Past Chairs’ Emerging Scholar Award from the Technology and Innovation Management Division of the Academy of Management.
Professor Zhu earned his Ph.D. in science, technology and management and a master’s in computer science at Harvard University. He did his undergraduate work in computer science, economics, and mathematics at Williams College.