2019年5月20日上午,应管理与经济学院管理工程系邀请,同济大学经济与12BETCarol Hsu教授在主楼429会议室作了题为“Conducting an interpretive case study”的学术报告。报告会由管理工程系张永勋副教授主持,管理工程系老师、部分博士生及硕士生参加了研讨会。
在今天的报告中,Carol Hsu教授首先对案例研究方法进行了介绍,讨论了实证型案例研究与解释型案例研究两种方法之间的不同之处。接下来分享了自己在进行解释型案例研究过程中关于研究问题创新、案例选择以及数据收集等方面的经验,特别强调了案例选择时的机遇、沟通技巧、开放意识、耐心以及掌握相关文献的重要性。最后Carol Hsu教授介绍了她本人最近使用解释型案例研究方法的主要成果,该成果针对现有文献较少有人研究智能技术产品设计的演变及其触发变化的环境,探索了两方面问题:(1)随着时间推移,如何将数字技术结合起来构建智能产品和服务?(2)驱动智能产品和服务设计的动力或生成机制是什么?
报告结束后,Carol Hsu教授认真回答了各位老师和同学们的提问,并且分享了她在学术研究过程中选题、论文写作和投稿等方面的宝贵经验,同学们受益匪浅。
附:Carol Hsu教授简介 Carol Hsu is a distinguished professor in the Management Science and Engineering Department at Tongji University. She holds a Ph.D. in information systems from the London School of Economics and Political Science. Her research interest focuses on two areas: digital innovation, and information security management. Her work has been published in MIS Quarterly, Information Systems Research, Journal of Management Information Systems, Communications of the ACM, and other outlets. She has been invited to present her findings to various international industry conferences (SIBOS, SWIFT Funds & Securities Automation Summits, etc.) She currently serves as Senior Editor at the Journal of Strategic Information Systems and Information Systems Journal, as an Associate Editor at Information & Management, and on the editorial board of the Journal of the AIS, and the IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management.