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1-17 Professor Hua Guowei of Beijing Jiaotong University: Do the sexiest study--How to write a management science English paper

  Speaker: Professor Hua Guowei

  Time: January 17th, 2019 (Thursday) at 9:30 am

  Location: Main Building 317 

  Report Introduction:

  Combined with examples, it mainly introduces what is a good paper, how to choose a topic, how to write a paper, and how to modify the paper. The main purpose is to correct some misperceptions and provide some scientific methods.

  Speaker Profile:

  Hua Guowei, Ph.D. in Management, is a professor at the School of Economics and Management of Beijing Jiaotong University, a doctoral tutor and associate dean. Visiting scholar at the University of California at Berkeley, Fellow of the School of Business Administration of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Visiting Professor of the Business School of the Macau University of Science and Technology, IEEE Senior Member, Chairman of the IEEE LIISS Committee. Research areas: logistics and supply chain management. He is the executive director and researcher of China Logistics Society, a peer review expert of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, a member of the China Academy of Systems Engineering Management and Decision Science Committee, a member of the Youth Work Committee of the China Law Entity and Economic Mathematics Research Association, and the China Operations Research Institute. Director of the Beijing Operational Research Society, Member of the Pharmaceutical Circulation Committee of the Beijing Pharmaceutical Association. He is the editor-in-chief, deputy editor, and guest editor of more than 10 international journals, such as the Associate Editor-in-Chief of Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research (SCI), Guest Editor-in-Chief (SCI) of International Journal of Production Research, and Guest Editor of Information Technology and Management. (SSCI). He has published more than 50 SCI/SSCI and EI papers, hosted and participated in more than 60 projects including the National Natural Science Foundation, the Doctoral Fund of the Ministry of Education, the Beijing Philosophy and Social Science Fund, and Horizontal Project.