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【Mingli lecture 2022, Issue 31】6-8 Prof. Huo, SHU: Organization & Human Resources Driven by Artificial Intelligence-Findings and Challenges

[Mingli Lecture Hall 2022 Issue 31]

Time: 19:00-20:30 pm, June 8 (Wednesday)

Venue: Tencent Conference 955 272 883

Speaker: Associate Professor Huo Weiwei, Shanghai University

Speaker Profile:

  Huo Weiwei, Shanghai University, Associate Professor. Executive Director of Intelligent Branch of China Human Resource Development Research Association, Director of Wage and Welfare Special Committee of China Talent Research Association, Director of University Personnel Talent and Teacher Development Research Association of China Higher Education Association, Deputy Secretary-General of Shanghai Artificial Intelligence Society. His research interests include organization and human resource management, enterprise digital transformation, artificial intelligence and business innovation. Presided over 7 projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the Humanities and Social Science Foundation of the Ministry of Education and other provincial and ministerial projects, and more than 10 decision-making consulting and business consulting projects; published many papers in JBE, IJHRM, JKM and other journals; won the Shanghai Philosophy and Social Sciences Outstanding Achievement Award, Decision Consulting Award, XJTLU National University Teaching Innovation Competition Excellence Award, National MBA 100 Excellent Case Award, etc.

Introduction of the report:

  Artificial intelligence is different from the characteristics of previous new technologies, and it has profoundly changed people's production methods, lifestyles and learning methods. The McKinsey Global Institute predicts that by 2030, about 70% of companies will adopt at least one form of artificial intelligence technology. At the same time, the management practice of artificial intelligence technology has a strong scenario dependence, and the management dilemmas faced by different industries and application scenarios are different. In the age of intelligence, every organization and every employee may interact with new technologies. Faced with the challenges brought by artificial intelligence applications to human resource management practice, what research issues need to be solved by researchers and business managers? This lecture will share some preliminary research findings and reflections.

(Organizer: Department of Organization and Human Resource Management, Research and Academic Exchange Center)