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10-20 Zhao Yuhuan, Doctor of Economics, Professor, School of Management and Economics:CO2 emissions per value added in exports of China

Time/place:2020.10.20(Tuesday)1:30 p.m./ Culture and Education South Building 103

Name of unit:Beijing Institute of Technology School of Management and Economics

Title of report:CO2emissions per value added in exports of China

Summary of the report:

This study first analyzes CO2emissions per value added (EpV) in exports of China during 1995-2009, and comparisons it with that of USA. Second, a generalized logistic mean Divisia index (GLMDI) method is proposed to determine the EpV gap between China and USA into five effects. This method generalizations existing LMDI methods, and make the multilateral determination of a sum of several terms possible. Then contribution analysis on value added coefficient effect is conducted. Results show that aggregate EpV of China's exports is 4.20 Mt/billion US dollars in 1995, which decreases to 2.48in 2009; for USA it is 0.66,0.33respectively.EpV of China's exports is several times greater than that of USA.At sectoral level,industrial sectors and transport sectors are top sectors with large EpV in China's exports,which corresponds to the case of USA.EpV gaps of the service sectors between China and USA have become increasingly prominent since 2000.Decomposition results show that emission coefficients, value added coefficients and input -output structure are the main driving factors of the expanding EpV gaps between China and USA.Attribution analysis on value added coefficient effect,the fastest growing effect,shows that'Electrical and Optical'sector has been the largest contributor to EpV gaps between China and USA resulting from value added coefficient effect since 1998,and its effect sharply increases during 1995-2009.Policy implications derived are finally discussed.

Briefing for the report:

Zhao Yuhuan, Doctor of Economics, Professor, School of Management and Economics, Beijing Institute of Technology, doctoral supervisor.Presided over more than 10 scientific research projects including 2 National Natural Science Foundation of China projects; Published more than 100 academic papers in mainstream academic journals at home and abroad including more than 30 SSCI/SCI papers, more than 40 CSSCIpapers; Published 12 monographs (including the 11 th Five-Year Plan textbook for General higher Education).Research interests: international trade and climate change, international trade theory and policy, global value chain and added value trade, climate change economics, etc.