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The National Social Science Foundation of China's major project opening briefing meeting is held smoothly

On June 20,2022, the opening briefing of the major project of * * Enterprises in the New Development stage " was held in Beijing Institute of Technology. Xu Xianchun special researcher of Beijing university, professor Qiu Dong of Jiangxi university of finance and economics, professor Yin Zhihong of Renmin university of China, professor Li Chaoxian of Beijing industry and commercial university school of mathematics and statistics, the National Bureau of Statistics statistics management center chief network engineer Yu Fangdong, professor Ran Lun of Beijing institute of technology school of management and economics were invited to attend the meeting. Qin Zhihui, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Beijing Institute of Technology, and Professor Wang Zhaohua, Dean of the School of Management and Economics attended the meeting. Project chief expert Li Huiyun, sub-project PI Professor Li Jian, professor He Haiyan,and more than 30 experts attend the meeting. The meeting was chaired by Liu Xinge, vice dean of the Research Institute of Beijing Institute of Technology.

Secretary Qin Zhihui first spoke on behalf of Beijing Institute of Technology to express a warm welcome and sincere thanks to the participating experts and scholars, fully affirmed the theoretical and practical significance of the project, and said that the university will continue to provide full guarantee for the development of the project, and also put forward the expectations and requirements for the future research work of the research group.

Dean Wang Zhaohua fully affirmed the strategic significance of the project research, and said that the school will provide key support for the project research, and help to complete the project research efficiently and with high quality.

Chief expert Li Huiyun made the opening work report, starting from the project research background, the project research value, the innovation, systematically explained the project research content, ideas and goals, mainly analyzed the logical relationship between the sub-projects and the key and difficult problems to be solved, and reported the work completed in this stage.

Sub-projects PIs and experts had a heated discussion, agreed that the project topic has great theoretical and application value, comprehensive research content system, can provide theoretical basis and support to making development policy for the national * * enterprise , and put forward constructive suggestions on the follow-up research.