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The People's Bank of China Science and Technology Department visit

On November 12, Yang Fuyu, second-level inspector of Secretary General of National Standardization Technical Commission, Qu Weimin, deputy director of Financial Tech Management Department of Science and Technology Department of the People's Bank of China, and Feng Lei, director of Standardization and Planning Department, visited our school. Qin Zhihui, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of the University attended the exchange meeting, and relevant personnel of the School of Management and Economics joined the meeting. The meeting was presided over by Professor Yan Zhijun, Secretary of the Party Committee of the School of Management and Economics.

Secretary Qin Zhihui first welcomed Secretary General Yang Fuyu, on behalf of the school. He said that Beijing Institute of Technology inherited the red gene of "Yan 'an root, the soul of military industry", and has a solid scientific and technological accumulation and research foundation. The school also has a strong willingness to establish working contact with the People's Bank of China.The School of Management and Economics has a complete range of disciplines, and the superior disciplines of management science and engineering can provide good support.We also look forward to the two sides can reach a preliminary consensus and outline of cooperation.

Next, Secretary General Yang Fuyu, Deputy Director Qu Weimin, Director Feng Lei and Professor Yan Zhijun introduced the work responsibilities of each department and the general situation of the school respectively.The two sides exchanged and discussed on the research needs of the Science and Technology Department in financial technology and standardization, and the talent training needs of the college in the new undergraduate majors.

At the end of the meeting, Professor Yan Zhijun once again thanked Secretary General Yang Fuyu and other leaders for their visit and guidance, and thanked Secretary Qin Zhihui for his strong support for the development of the school.He said that the school will strive to promote the implementation of the cooperation consensus reached at the meeting, and strive for deeper cooperation, so as to give full play to the discipline characteristics, promote professional construction, and gather talent training, so as to better help the school's "double first-class" development