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Jing Zhou


  Dr. J.(Jing) Zhou is Assistant Professor of Housing, Society and Space in the school of Management and Economics at Beijing Institute of Technology. She has been a visiting scholar at the University of Amsterdam (2015-2016), as well at the Institute for research on population and social policies, Italy (2016).

  Her interests cover many areas of urban geography, land-use planning and housing studies. Her PhD, entitled  “Migrants and the New Stage of Public Housing Reform in China”  and completed in 2018, focused on how the contemporary housing reform in China has provided housing assistance to the intra-national migrants, and furthermore, has shaped the settlement intentions of them.   

  Jing has contributed to various bachelors programes on housing policy and Chinese migrants. She was the teaching assistant of the summer program at the university of Amsterdam, and was one of the initiators of the Urban China seminar in Amsterdam. 


  Publications (selected)

  [1] Zhou, J.*. (2018) The New Urbanisation Plan and Permanent Urban Settlement of Migrants in Chongqing, China, Population Space and Place, 24(6):1-13. (SSCI, Q1)

  [2] Zhou, J. *, & Musterd, S. (2018). Housing preferences and access to public rental housing among migrants in Chongqing, China. Habitat International, 79: 42-50, (SSCI, Q1)

  [3] Zhou, J. *, & Ronald, R. (2017). The resurgence of public housing provision in China: the Chongqing programme. Housing Studies, 32(4):428-448. (SSCI)

  [4] Zhou, J. *, & Ronald, R. (2017). Housing and Welfare Regimes: Examining the Changing Role of Public Housing in China. Housing, Theory and Society, 34(3), 253-276. (SSCI)

  [5]周婧, 杨庆媛*.农户层面农村宅基地流转研究进展与述评 地理科学进展 2012, Vol. 31(2): 139-148. (CSSCI,截止2018被引29次)

  [6]周婧, 杨庆媛*, 信桂新等.贫困山区农户兼业行为及其居民点用地形态——基于重庆市云阳县568户农户调查 地理研究. 2010, 29 (10): 1767-1779. (CSSCI,截止2018被引83次)

  [7]周婧, 杨庆媛*, 张蔚 等. 贫困山区不同类型农户对宅基地流转的认知与响应: 基于重庆市云阳县568 户农户调查. 中国土地科学, 2010(9): 11-17. (CSSCI, 截止2018被引97次)


  Contact info.


  Visiting address: Room 315, No. 5 Zhongguancun South Street, Haidian District, Beijing, China 100081